
There is no research or analysis or any statistical entity that neglects the value of personalization and the YOY growth of it. The latest studies by Nosto have revealed that personalization the leading aspect in Ecommerce at large:

-43% of purchases are influenced by personalized recommendations or promotions.

-75% of consumers prefer brands to personalize messaging, offers, and experiences

-94% of companies see personalization as critical to current and future success

The biggest upside to technology in fashion is the ability to offer consistency, and being able to personalize a customer’s shopping patterns, indeed, fashion companies that effectively deploy the right technologies will be able to enhance their competitive advantage by personalizing products and shopping experiences.

Brands or Commerce's search for more values when it comes to selling.

In fact, there are enough of them that offer personal stylists' services and have become the competitive advantage of global retailers such as Selfridges, Saks Fifth Avenue, Poshmark with Amazon or Net-A-Porter, while others depends only on personal styling to sell such like Atitchfix which was values with more than 2B lately and Trunkclub which owned by Nordstorm worth around 400M as profitability.

E-commerce with minus28 :

As retailers are searching for how to leverage data and provide more seamless and personal experiences which will increases conversion, repeat purchases, and loyalty.

Integration with Minus28 will do all of that and more by:

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